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tv   CBS This Morning Saturday  CBS  January 5, 2013 5:00am-7:00am PST

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nations. the blessing is upon your life. it doesn't matter whether you go in the city or country, the blessing is on you. understand this. on the cross, jesus purchased your salvation and he bought your healing but he brought number three divine prosperity. you are in covenant with god and you've been grafted into the word of god, hallelujah so the blessing is upon you. number two, you have the promise of family heritage and health. that's found in verse 4. blessed is the fruit of thy body. that speaks of a family heritage, a legacy, that your children are blessed. let me say this today. i received a phone call a few hours before coming here tonight that my son was involved in an automobile accident. completely totalled his car. took one of them to the hospital. i immediately called my son an said, son, are you okay? he said yes, daddy. there's not any injury to me
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whatsoever. he said my car is totalled. i said son, did you bow your head and thank god for preserving your life? because as your father i pray saums 91 over you every day. psalm 91 every day because you're my seed and i'm in covenant with god. and he said yes, i did, dad. hallelujah! don't let satan have your children. don't let satan have your children or any family member of your life. you have to get back to the horns of the altar and stand up. the body says the kingdom of god -- you have to get up in the faiths of satan and say -- you can't have my family! because as a promise that god has laid upon us that he's going to give us family heritage.
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but also he's going to give us divine health. jesus took strikes upon his back so we could have family heritage and family health. number three, occupational blessing in verse 4. the fruit of the ground and cattle. in viable times, most of them raised cattle or sheep or agriculture. so having an occupational blessing was very, very important. today we don't necessarily, unless you're a farmer and live that way, there's a lot of different things we do. but the occupational blessing is upon us. ever you have to know god has a divine assignment on your life. whatever you're doing right now god has anointed you to do. it may not even be what you want to be doing. it may not be your lifetime passion or desire. you may be in a job that you hate. i've been there. you get up every morning and you -- my dear brother back there saying, yeah i know. i'm there right now. but it doesn't mean that you're destination is the path. it is a journey to where god
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will take you. you have to get up every day and say god i know i work for you and everything i do for you will reward me. why? because he's your jehovah. it doesn't come from an employer or government. it comes from him. he's your total source of supply. whatever your occupation is right now, there at your home whatever you're facing or going through or whatever god has you doing right now, do with all of your mite do it to the lord and say, i'm going to be the best employee that my employer has ever had. and let god anoint you to be the best. and do your best. and cultivate your gift and your talent. it's not your destination. it is a journey to where god will take you. the occupational blessing is upon you. i have a driver that drives me to the airport when i fly out to speak all over the world. the reason i did this i've got to make a confession. when i got a ticket going to the airport at 110 miles an hour i thought i better got somebody to drive me to the airport. the only reason being, because i was late. i couldn't miss my flight and
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the officer was so nice i said just give me a warning because you're holding me up. he said dr. kuntz, you were going too fast i can't do that. so i decided to intervene personally before god did so i have an individual that drives me to the airport but i still run late but he doesn't run fast. he said to me the other day, i don't understand it. our business is down but ever since i've been connected to your life my income is up. i said that's because, his name is bernie. i said that's because i have an anointing on my life for increase. the anointing you sell into is the anointing you have a right to. i said i don't understand it all i know is god has anointed me in this area and whoever i come in contact with gets blessed. it's an occupational blessing and you have it.
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it's an anointing god gives you to do what you've been called to do. number four, multiapproximately occasion multiplication of success. others have lost money because their business is down. i don't know your situation tonight. but i will say as a born-again believer that you have a right to multiplication of possessions. what i want to say to you tonight is bring your belief and your level to a higher level of faith. i don't want to work with your doubt. you have everybody else working with your doubt. i want to work with your faith. i don't want to work with your present circumstance. i want to work with the future god can give you if you work your faith and take these promises by faith and begin to apply them. you say, how do i do that? say, enough's enough. i'm not living by the economic system of the world. i'm going to live by god eats system and god said that he will bless you. he'll bless you today, tomorrow and forever. the blessing is upon your life.
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and you can have multiplication of blessings when others are losing money in the stock market you can be making money. you say, how do you know that? because i've been in the financial business for 20 years and i know as a financial adviser that when somebody is selling somebody is buying. when somebody is losing money, somebody is making money. i had's the law of balance. somebody has to win and somebody has to lose. i made a decision that i was going to be on the winning side. the wealth of the wicked is laid up for the righteous. i don't have to lose judy. let the wicked lose. i'm going to make money. why? because i'm going to use my faith and believe god and trust god. i'm going to say something that's going to be bold but i want to say it to you right now. if 90 days from now you don't have more than what you have presently, you're not applying or getting ahold of what i'm talking about. god is a god of multiplication and increase. he increases and it's a divine command he's given you and i and
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i'll come into a covenant with you if you'll come into a covenant with me and the power of agreement with explode in the next 90 days and you'll see multiplication you've never known, your saving's account will turn around. you're going to get that promotion when others are being laid off you get the promotion. why? because you're a child of god. you're a child of the most high god. there is none like jehovah. there is none like jehovah. not an immediatian in heaven with the father son and holy ghost saying things are running low. we don't have enough money for gold, let's get it from the people down there. by the way, gold is at its all-time high. i believe that god wants us to have more. say this after me. i want more stuff. >> i want more stuff. >> say, i want more stuff. i want more stuff to be a blessing. number five god says he'll give you supernatural increase.
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blessings of fruit and bread found in verse 5. supernatural increase. number six, god said he'll give you territorial dominion. blessing on your coming and blessing on you're going in verse 6. territorial dominion. i'll focus on this for a moment because i believe it's important that we get ahold of this why? if it's so important that you and i become partners with the inspirational ministries. why is it important that we plant our seed on the consistent basis into this ministry that's touching 127 nations with the gospel of jesus christ. the bible says we're to buy back the time. and the greatest satannic attack that's been launched against the body of christ is being launched presently against christian television. why? because the greatest influence that we have today, as the body
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06 christ next to the power of god, but television allows us to demonstrate the power of god through television. there through television we can say what others cannot say. there are countries watching right now. egypt may be one. another country, maybe one that they can't hold up the bible because if they do they can be imprisoned or thrown in jail or their life is jeopardized. but through a shortwave dish a small dish they can tap into the gospel and watch me right now talk about jesus, the son of god who wants to save. and it can only be done through the power of television. that's why it's so importantx that you become partners and sew into this great ministry day of day and month after month and sew with expectation, because we're taking back the airwaves. taking back authority and dominion. i like what god said, turn back on the light and shut off the darkness. i know it's your 20th anniversary. 20 years ago, you came to that conclusion. you came to that mission and
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held strong to that and today the inspirational ministries is a global ministry touching the nation. it didn't start out as a global ministry. it started out with one man that said i believe the way to reach the lord is through television and millions of partners around the world who got ahold of the vision and there at your home your seeds are making a difference. lives are being transformed. why? because you're a partner of this great ministry. hallelujah! territorial dominion. territorial dominion. sir, husbands let me say, you're the priest of your home and you have territorial dominion of the home. not to become mean and bad, but to love the church. love her like christ loved the church. you're over your family and you're there and you have territorial dominion. you're the priest of that home. and you are to guard and to your watch and you are to see what is coming into that home. and you're to be there like this. mighty defense with the gospel
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as you stand up and you push back the darkness. i would say to you today, pastors when you preach the bible, stand up with the thundering voice of god and say, thus say et god and guard the hearts and soul of your people because we have territorial dominion. joshua said every place his foot treads he shall have dominion. if you continue in this book and observe and do what it says we can have authority. we can cast out devils. we can heal the sick. hallelujah! the kingdom of god has balance but the violence will take by force. do we have any violent people here today? violent people watching over television? you say enough's enough. i'm sick and tired of the status quo. i'm going to be a warrior for the gospel. i'm going to be a warrior for the gospel and take back the territory and i'm going to take back dominion and take my job for jesus christ and i'm going to take my family for jesus
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christ. go to the supermarket for jesus christ. every place i go i'll do for the gospel. hallelujah. i am preaching here brother. number seven, god says he gives us victory in every battle. victory in every battle. victory in every battle. the bible says that it will come as you one way -- you got to read this chapter 28. it says in verse seven the enemy will come at you one way, but god will make them flee seven ways. he'll confound the enemy. he'll confound satan and the devil. anybody fighting demons and devils of hell your battle is coming to an end. god will fight your battle for you. they'll come at you one way but god will scatter them seven ways. a thousand voices that have risen up against you. satan is taking your flame, your finances and business and trying to afflict your body.
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satan is coming against your livelihood and life. but i come to you as a man of god to say to you today, enough's enough. enough's enough! enough's enough! god is getting ready to fight your battle for you. he'll come at you one way but flee seven ways. number eight, god said he'll give you godly favor found in verse 12. heavens will give reign in due season. heavens will give rain in due seasons. heavens will give rain in due season. i'm going to pray a prayer in just a moment after i share my testimony. but i want to talk about the due season. because i know that this ministry is a ministry that believes in practices the law of see time harvest. i know that david and barbara have embraced, have believed and practiced the law of genesis,
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chapter 8, as long as the earth remains, there will be seed time harvest. i do not know of another president of a network who has so much responsibility so many bills that need to be paid who is a more lavish giver than david schirillo. i'm a give and i can recognize a giver. i get so mad because so few people are genuine givers. but god's first thing they changes in us is we become a giver. he practices the law of the seed. i know that personally. he understands the law of the seed and he knows that if he wants a harvest he has to sew a seed. it's a divine law and a law that's everybody's living and practicing every day. there at your home whether you're saved or not saved, the law of the seed is operating in your life. you are a sewer.
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every day of your life you're sewing seeds. words are seeds. kindness is a seed. every day of your life you're a continuous seed sewer. the promise here of number eight says god will give you godly fair. god would open the heavens to give you rain in due season. in due season. you must sew a seed to reap a harvest. when you get up early in the morning, you're planting seed immediately. when you lay down at night you've planted seed all day. when you're kind to somebody you're sewing seed. when you clock in early at work you're sewing seeds. when you clock in late at work you're sewing seed too. and don't think mr. employer doesn't notice it either. you're a breeding walking, warehouse of seed. every day of your life you sow seed. i'm on twitter.
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onhow many of you are on twitter. i know inspirational ministries is on twitter. ozzy is on twitter. he sent out a tweet today. i say if you tweet me i'll tweet you. doesn't sound quite right. it almost sounds like a cartoon but i'm becoming an efficient tweeter. listen carefully. i received a tweet from sylvester stallone the other day, he sent it to me. he knows i teach the law of the seeds. rocky, sylvester stallone. rambo. he tweets me. and this is what he says -- he says i try to sow something every day. anything. and hope that it takes root. and then he adds this is how i build my life. see, it's not a question of whether your sow, it's a question of whether you're going to be conscientious of it and are you going to be deliberate in making sure that you're
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sowing good seed the right seed into the right soil. you're a seed sower and godly favor, the promise that he gives that god will give you rain in due season is important because the bible says in genesis 8 verse 22 as long as the earth remains there will be seed time and harvest. genesis 8 verse 22. be not the seed for whatsoever a man sow et he will also reap. go down to verse 9. be not weary in well-doing. for in due season you will reap if you faint not. i want to focus on this "due season" because i think it's important. you've heard me teach about 24-hour miracles. i'm going to be sharing a 24-hour miracle in just a moment. i've had -- i've seen miracles happen within seven minutes. i've seen people plant seed and in seven minutes, get a miracle.
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i don't understand that. that doesn't make sense to me because i know that there are natural laws of the earth, a farmer sows a seed and you don't get up the next day and get a harvest. you sow on monday and wait. seed waiting with harvest. i've seen it happen over and over and over. i got thousands of testimonies from partners. and i know here at inspiration, you have hundreds of thousands and i know you read them and think, how is that possible? now, we know we have a jehovah jehovah g jehovah gyra. i can explain as good as anybody alive today, i believe i have the mantel to teach seed time harvest. but there was a part of the equation i never understood and that was the due season part. because how could i sow today and reap in seven minutes? i was on a platform in
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baltimore, maryland about seven months ago. and i was at a service and i was planting a $1,000 seed on the plat fourm. listen to me at your home because i'm going to explain something for thousands who do not understand this part. nd i believe it will be a piece of the qualification that will supercharge your harvesting and i believe that dormant seed will be resurrected over the next 90 days. i was writing out a seed for $1,000. as i wrote this out out, i decided to look at my blackberry just to see if i had any messages. i don't normally do that but for some reason i looked at the blackberry. i look at the blackberry and there's a note from a businessman who says to me from his secretary -- you have a check in the mail coming to you for $20,000! i had just planted that seed seven minutes ago. now i got $20,000. i'm thinking, i'm reaching for
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my checkbook for a second time. anything that work this is good i'm going to do it again. i've seen it happen. over and over and over again. i've seen people give miracles that i could never explain. the only thing i can say is like the blind man. he got healed and theyed is asked him about it and he says this all i know is i couldn't see before and now i can see. that was my explanation. all i know is that it works. dr. oral roberts became a very dear and close friend of mine the last two years of his life. we've written a book together. i talk with him almost every day on the phone -- at least every week stay with him in his home. we're sitting one day and we're talking and he's talking to me about the due season. he said todd there is four seasons in the natural world. there's spring there's summer and fall and winter. but there's a dynamic in the spirit world of seed time harvest that nobody knows and
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it's different. everything in the spirit world will parallel the practical world especially in seed time harvest except for this one aexpect. there's a fifth season in god's seed time harvest. the fifth season is the due season. and he said the due season is not decided by you. it is decide by god. and he said when god decides to give you the harvest is when you get the harvest. he says it's not like the natural world. that's how you can sow a seed and in minutes get a harvest. why? because it is your faith that you activate that schedules the fifth season in your life. when you decide to use your faith, your season will change. listen to me carefully. there are thousands listening right now that you have not received a harvest yet. why? because you have not activated the fifth season. you have not understood the fact that god is your jehovah and source. that's what dr. oral roberts taught us.
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he said make god your total source of supply. that wasn't just a saying. that was a lifestyle. and the promise that god gives us in verse 8 he'll give us godly favor and cause the rain to come the fifth season. number nine, god will give us financial prosperity. lend and not borrow. found in verse 12. number ten, divine promotion. i believe that promotion is getting ready to happen in your house. coming here to the studio i was asking god, by the way, i'll tell you there's so much more but i have to stop. because i'm going to pray in just a moment. and i will tell you that if there's ever been a time in your life when you needed to use your faith at its highest level, it is at this time. god has connect med to your life and this is not coincidental. i want the phone counselors to be ready. because the calls are going to come in. the anointing is so strong on me right now.
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i'm coming over to the studio and i'm asking god, what is it that you want to do? one of the prayers that i pray as a 10-year-old boy, i said god, i'll go where you want me to go, i'll say what you want me to say and do what you want me to do. it's important that you get this cd and we want to send this to you as our seed of appreciation for partnering with this ministry. but god spoke to me and said, todd, i want you to come into a covenant with 1,1le -- 1,189 representing the chapters in the bible. there's 1,189 words in the chapters of god. he said i want you to believe for 1,189 favor miracles. favor is when somebody decides to be good to you. favor can happen in one moment. you're only one decision away from a new season and one person away from a new lifestyle. there's somebody watching you in your present world that literally can bless your socks
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off beyond anything you've ever known. i'll share my story of my fedex ups miracle and i'll come into a covenant with 1,189 favor miracles that are going to explode in your life. you say, what makes this moment different than any other moment? number one, this is my anointing. this is my call. god has anointed me with a financial anointing. and the anointing you sow into is the anounting you have a right to. i can't explain it. all i know is when you connect with what god has given me your life financially will change. number two, a time of a divine moment wrapped with the gift of faith. the gift of faith is when god gives you a moment of believing to believe for impossible things. you've heard part of this testimony but i want to share it again and i want to extend the testimony called "my fed u.p.s.
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miracle. i was in honolulu hawaii listening to a man of god looking into a camera like me. he's talking about a rare and uncommon seed of $1,000. he said something happens at $1,000 level that doesn't happen at any other level. i was reminded of all the thousand dollar seeds that i have sown. i was reminded of chapter 3 where king solomon at the age of 17 historians say, he knew he was not david. but he set aside an offering that was over the top, 1,000 burned offerings when the requirement was one lamb one household. he made an offering that was over the top because he knew he was not king david. he knew that he lacked where he needed help. so he made that offering. and the bible says that god came to him in 24 hours in a dream and said solomon, what do you want? and solomon asked for an understanding heart. we know that god said, because you didn't ask for wealth or
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riches or longevity of life but you asked for understanding heart, i'm going to you divine wisdom but i'll make you the richest man whoever lived. i was remind "thad five" chapters later after he made 1,000 bunt offerings the bible said he was now offering god 36 00 360,000 bunt offerings. read the five chapters after that. he's now presenting god, think about this -- 360,000 burned offerings. god gave me a home i paid cash for. i planted a thousand dollar seed and i have battles that stopped. i saw miracles after miracles after miracles so it wasn't unusual about this man talking to a camera asking 70 to set
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aside a 1,000 seed. he stops abruptly and look into the camera and says somebody is watching me right now and you'll set aside a 1,000 seed in the work of god and god will you triple favor. well, i knew what favor would do. triple favor? three times? something leaped inside of me. i reached for my credit card. i dialled the number on the screen. and i planted my $1,000 seed on my credit card. i had no idea what was getting ready to happen. i did not even have the inclination what god had in store for me. all i knew was i was obeying a divine moment of uncommon faith to believe god for a triple favor. in 24 hours, the heavens opened up on my life. in seven days god connected me with a person that literally has sent me around the world. god connected to me to a second
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third and fourth person. i now have a fifth person that's involved in my life showing me favor. five people in 24 months. david, one of the individuals decided to be good to me and send memoly checks via fedex. each month, a woman would come to my door choir get ready to shout, each month a woman would come to my door and she would knock on the door and hand me an envelope. i'd open up the envelope and there would be a sizable check. month after month after month! i received as many as four in one month. i saw the fedex truck so much any time i would see fedex i would get all happy and excited. i was in kansas city the other day and i looked up and the entire parking lot was filled with nothing but fedex trucks. i became unglued. i was talking to my mom and i said, mom i don't understand it. every time i see fedex i get excited. i was over at the airport in
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atlanta hartsfield airport and i looked out and there was a fedex airplane. no matter where if drive when i see fedex i get excited. when god decides to be good to you and he uses fedex to bless you, you'll get excited, too. i'm talking to my mother and i said -- mom, every time i see a fedex truck i get excited and she said -- son, god's not through blessing you. he's probably going to u.p.s. next. you guess, 24 hours later a knock at my door. i go to my door and there stands the u.p.s. woman. i open up the envelope and there's a businessman that says you help med 30 days ago and i wanted to show you my seed of appreciation and i opened up the envelope and there was a check for $30,000! a few weeks ago you was preaching for a pastor rod parsley. he's crazy. he's crazy. there's no services like his
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services. but i've been there with you before quarterback judy. it's a wild place. i'm telling this story to the people there and the pastor decided to participate in the fedex miracle and there was a knock at my door about a week ago and there was a check from rob parsley. i was in orlando, florida, speaking for not bob rogers one of my friends that owns a station there, claude bowers and i was telling the story and claude says i'm not going to let you tell that story without participating and one week later there was a knock at my door and there was fedex from claude bowers. everywhere i go i see fedex and i get excited. i had no idea when i planted my $1,000 seed it was going to be a seed that was going to give me a perpetual, continual, harvest. it's been a seed that can be trasd all the way back to 111,
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1,000 times more. you don't need everybody liking you. all you need is god to like you. i'm going the pray for 1,189. and i don't want you go to the phone until after a pray my prayer but i'm telling you your life is getting ready to change. there's an anointing on me for favor. i can't explain it except i was in london england and the pastor gets up and says -- i don't understand it. when todd prays, favor happens. and he told story after story of how he planted seed and god gave him favor. why have god favored me? it's very simple. because the swiftest avenue to favor is obedience. obedience. obedience. when you obey god, it opens the
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doors of favor in your life. there are three harvests that i'm going to come into a covenant with. the 1,189. number one, i'm going to ask god to send somebody in your life who will give you unstoppable favor. somebody who will bless you like i've been blessed. snap will promote you and open a door. somebody that will give you finances. i felt so sure that there will be many many many 72-hour miracles and if i were you there at the your home i would write down 72-hour miracles. that's the timeframe got has given me. i don't think i have ever shared on television at any time this is the first, for 72-hour miracles. three days. three days. somebody's going to show you favor. i'm going to come into a covenant for the $1,189 someone whether show you favor. god will favor you because of your obedience. number two, i'm going to come into a covenant with you that
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the battle you're presently facing and i don't know what your battle is in but i know there's thousands if not tens of thousands of the body of christ you're facing the battle of your life. with your family with your kids with your business. it could be with a sickness. there's some kind of battle that's raging in your life. i believe that tonight that one of the harvests that god is going to give you is he will silence your enemy and turn the battle around and you're going to have miracles after miracles after miracles. and i'm seeing businesses turn around. there are business people listening to me right now. when you plant this $1,000 seed on behalf of your business you're literally going to see that the next 90 days will be the greatest 90 days you have ever seen. if you'll believe what i'm saying. if you'll believe it. if you'll obey the sblux from the man of god. number three, the third harvest i'm coming into a covenant is that god will resurrect every dormant seed you've sown in the
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past 12 months. you have not seen a harvest because you didn't understand the fifth season but i've explained it now. when i explained that to you a light bulb went on for thousands and you said, now i know that i can believe from my harvest because your logic clicked in and because your logic has been involved your faith has been diminished. but faith is only required when god gives you instruction. when you use your faith your season will change. i'm going to come into a covenant, listen carefully. for every dormant seed to be resurrected but there's a caveat. what you have lost satan will be commanded to return to you seven-fold. seven-fold. seven-fold. seven-fold! what he has stolen from you he will have to give back seven-fold. and there are many listening right now that god's going to give you a 100-fold return on top of that. you don't need everybody liking you but favor will explode and
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there are two things that made that day different than any other day. i planted a $1,000 seed. i'm $1,000 sower and here's the two things. number one, my swift obedience. you cannot hesitate for one moment after i pray you must go to the phone and you must plant your seed. delayed obedience will minimize your believing. when you delay your seed you delay your harvest. when you let go of something that you wanted to keep god will let go of something that he wanted to give. when you open your hand god will open his heaven. swift obedience and number two, i recognize an uncommon moment of faith. faith is when god deposits in your the gift of faith to believe him for impossible things. the gift of faith is flowing in my life right now and i'll come into a covenant with you that
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your family will turn around your finance also turn around and there are 120 watches right now, that if you will claim it if you'll plant this $1,000 seed and claim it listen carefully, if you claim it god is going to give you a real estate miracle. i don't know if you're trying to buy a house or sell a house or if you're involved in a business transaction. but it has to do with your real estate. if you'll plant this $1,000 seed on behalf of your real estate you're going to see a turn-around. let's pray father i've emptied myself tonight. i've said exactly what you told me to say. and god, your anointing is so strong and you said that the anointing will break and shatter every yolk of bondage and i know that all around the world, lives have been changed. father, now, as your servant i come into a divine covenant with you there at your home. i stand on the word of almighty
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god, in matthew 18 18 and 19 if we agree upon any one thing it shall be done and i come into a divine covenant for a harvest to happen. god will give you favor. favor with somebody that can promote. favor with somebody that can open a door. favor with somebody that can turn your life upside down favor with somebody who will bless you. it will become unstoppable favor. i come into a divine covenant that your battle must cease. your family must turn around. your business must turn around. in the name of jesus i decree it right now. and i come into a harvest and a covenant with the harvest for number three. that god will give return to you seven-fold what satan has stolen and every dormant seed you've sewn in the past will be resurrected. i'm asking you for the 1,189 who will obey your voice. who will recognize that this
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moment is different than any moment they've had this year and they'll simply obey you. i ask you, god, that when you bless me you bless them. when you give me a fedex miracle you give them a fedex miracle. when you bless me through u.p.s. you'll bless them through u.p.s. and we know we're not buying a miracle. only fools would try to buy a miracle but we know we can sow a seed and wrap it with expectation and we can turn to you as our god, i decree right now, in the name of jesus, that there been a turn-around. amen! and amen! hallelujah! hallelujah! now, i'm going to ask you to do something. i'm going to ask you. you see there's a number on your screen. dial the number right now. do not delay this not even for a moment. dial the number you see on the screen and say -- i am one of the 1,189 favor miracles that todd talked about.
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quickly, quickly, go to the phone. do not delay. do not delay. and plant your $1,000 seed. when you plant it you'll name it your favor seed. favor is going to explode in your life. now, you may have called in the last several days and sown a seed at a lower level into this ministry. but you're listening to me right now and saying god is stirring you giving you common faith to believe. call in and say, i'm going to go ahead and increase it. i'm going to plant the $1,000 seed. do not let this moment pass. holding on to this seed. you do not know when god is going to give dwlou kind of faith to believe for impossible things. i really believe with all of my heart over the next 90 days you'll see miracles take place. for many it will be a 24-hour miracle. for some you'll be in 72 hours. but there's a turn-around quickly. quickly go to the phone. don't delay this. when you call do not forget to ask, as our seed of appreciation for obeying god, and sowing into
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this great minimum stree the cd teaching ten promises of the covenant blessing. i was at a church preaching this message. my dear dear friend who pastors an incredible church in hickory, north carolina dr. jerry grillo. i was preaching this message in his church talking about the ten promises. his son is a football player. but because of something that happened in high school somewhere, the counselor had dropped the ball and didn't fill out some type of paperwork and because of it his son's scholarship hopes had been lost. he's sitting in the service on a sunday morning. i'm talking to somebody because you're going to plant this seed on behalf of a family or child. this is a moment of uncommon faith. don't let. moment pass. do not let this moment pass. god has connected us together and he's sitting there in the
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service and he's crying out to god saying god, because he told me today when i was talking with him, he said todd i saw my son on a saturday night with his head between his knees crying and balling like a baby. he says my son doesn't do that. he's a rough and tough football player and my heart was breaking. he's sitting in a service and i'm preaching the ten promises at his church. teaching it and right in the middle of my service he walks up to me and hands me a check for $1,000 that said son. i had no idea what it was for. i thought it was for my son. at the end of the service, he began to tell his congregation and me why he planted the $1,000 seed. he's believing that god will do a miracle breakthrough in his son's life with this scholarship. listen carefully. 24 hours later, he receives a call from a place that he had sent transcripts to.
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the coach had retired. but for some reason he came back to the office 24 hours later and he's going through the paperwork and he comes across this and notices the paper bork of this young man and picks up the phone and calls and says has your son found a school yet and he said no and began to relate the story. he says oh i think we can get around that. i don't know what all they did but i think there's some scholarship money. wait a moment let me call you back. by the end of the day he got the phone call back. the guy that had retired and came into the office for no reason at all, said we can give your son a scholarship. in fact, we'll delay the date because he's past the date to register but we'll expand the date so he can get in and register. the school costs $26,000 a year. and he said, i'll -- we'll you son a scholarship for $10,000, so all you have to come up with is $16,000. this was on a sunday he sowed the thousand-dollar seed. on monday he got the phone call.
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on wednesday he got the paperwork in and by saturday god supernaturally gave him the money hand now his son, right now, is at college playing football! hallelujah hallelujah! it doesn't take god long to give you a miracle. you may be in a circumstance and you need that kind of favor. he said to me he said, todd, i'm sitting there and he said, i didn't have the $26,000. but i did have the $1,000. and that thousand was my point of contact. and he said i was thinking about sowing in my own church. he said no. sow it to todd because he has an anointing for increase and the anointing you sow into is the anointing you have a right to and he planted that seed and in 24 hours, in seven days god turned everything completely around. i'm talking to somebody right now. you're going to go to the phone. you may not have the $26,000 or $30,000. you may not have the money to
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buy a new car or have a debt-free home. you may not even have the money to pay down to purchase -- but you have the $1,000. you set it aside but god would say to you, if you let go of something you wanted to keep god will let go of something that i wanted to give. quickly, quickly, go to the phone and dial the number on the screen and say, i am one of the 1,189. god's going to give you a miracle. favor will explode in your life. quickly go to the phone and dial that number. i'm in baltimore, maryland be side a pastor and his son from brazil. he said my dad doesn't speak eng sloish i'll translate. i'm talking about an anointing that is on the rest of my life that i can't explain. those that listen to what god has given me favor happens. tonight your life is changing.
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i know it. tonight your life is changing. favor is getting ready to explode. a few lines available right now. if you try to call and you got a busy signal call back right now. call back. don't let satan rob you of this moment. this is the moment you're believing for and asking god for. you've been channel surfing and you tuned in. god has connected me with your life and i'm telling you a miracle of favor is getting ready to happen. those 24-hour miracles will happen. i'm telling you, 24 hours in now, you're life is going to be changed and turned around. 72 hour-miracles, i'm seeing in real estate somebody is watching. you're going to plant the seed on behalf of your real estate and in 72 hours you'll have a miracle. he begins to relate the story. he said you came to a service about six months ago and you said, plant a $1,000 seed and believe for 100-fold return. at the time my dad was pastoring a church and he had a business but he said his business was failing.
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but you said plant it on behalf of your business and use your faith and believe for 100-fold return. i'm talking to 100 business owners right now. sow this on behalf or your business and your business will turn around. he said my dad planted the $1,000 seed. he said it was not sown out of surplus. he said it was a sacrifice. he was losing and he planted the seed and he said, within just a few days god gave him an idea. he implemented the idea and within six months from planting the $1,000 seed god gave him a 100-fold return. a 100-fold return. nothing happens until you decide to use your faith. i'm going to ask you, go to the phone right now and dial the number that's on the screen. there are some lines available. right now, go to the phone and dial the number on the screen
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and say, i'm one of the 1,189 miracles. when you dial that number there's going to be somebody who will take your confidential information. and when you dial the number and they take your confirmation i'm telling you something's going to happen. the information you give them that phone that you have flight is your point of contact. do not delay this. not even for a moment. when you plant your seed you're going to see divine miracles that will happen. if you just tuned in god is doing something extraordinary here. at inspirational ministries. here in louisville kentucky at pastor bob rogers' church. i'm going to come into a covenant and i have prayed already, for three harvests to happen in the life of 1,189 partners of this ministry. who will use their faith at a high and uncommon level. who will decide to plant a seed through the obedience and the
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instruction of the holy spirit. and i'm coming into three covenant with three harvests that will happen with you there at your home. god will give you favor. i don't know how it will happen and who he'll give you favor with but there's somebody in your world watching you that literally can bless your socks off. literally in 24 hours the windows open up on your life. number two, i'm coming into a covenant that the battle you're facing that it will be silenced. god will silence your enemy and turn things around in your family. in your business. in your finances. that god will give you a miracle turn-around. number three, what satan has stolen from you, he has to return seven-fold and every dormant seed you've sown in the past god will miraculously breathe new life into it. reschedule a season and resurrect dormant seed. god told me about a fourth harvest. i'm going to ask you to plant this seed on behalf a a real
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estate transaction. when you do i believe god will give you a real estate miracle. father i come into a covenant right now. miracles are happening all around the world. people are responding. people are calling. they're using their faith and planting the uncommon seed of $1,000. and i come into your divine covenant in the name of jesus when you plant this seed miracles will happen. i decree in jesus' name the business will turn around. a 100-fold return and favor will explode in your life. that somebody who is in the position to bless you will bless you. i decree it in jesus' name amen and amen. i'm going to ask you to go to the phone and dial that number. and when you call say, send me the ten promises of the covenant blessing. judy is preparing to come and sing again. if you try to call a moment ago and the line was busy i'm going to ask you to got( to the phone right now. do not delay.
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23409 even for a moment. not even for a moment. if you called and got a busy signal i'll ask you to go to the phone. we have phone lines available. do not delay this. if you called and sowed at another level. but you feel so stirred about this $1,000 seed because god is giving you an uncommon moment of faith, call and increase your faith pledge. i feel so sure that the next 90 days you're going to see something happen over the next 90 days. over the next 90 days. i really feel stirred that there are 30 or 40 watching right now that you say to me i don't have the entire $1,000 seed right now. but if god would provide it over the next 30 days i'll sow it. if you really and truly mean that, you say, i don't have it. i don't have the thousand. if my life depended on it but you're so desperately in your
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hart want the plant the seed. you don't want to miss in uncommon moment of faith. say with me todd if god will provide it supernaturally over the next 30 days i'll sow it. if that is you, i want you to dial the number and tell them as god provides i will plant this $1,000 seed. do not hesitate. not even for a moment. knot happens until you decide to use your faith. when you let go of something you wanted to keep god will let go of something that he wanted to give. there's a great moment right now of faith that god eats giving you so go to the phone as judy comes and get ready because i see favor happening in your life. there's a turn-around happening. a miracle happening and a businessman watching. you're sitting there right now and you're hesitating, planting the seed. i don't know why and i don't know if it's maybe your account is way down but i'm going to ask you, sow this $1,000 seed on behalf of your business. i really believe that if you'll do this you're going to see a
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turn-around. do not hesitate. i don't know when you're going to have a moment of faith like you have right now. so dial the number on the screen and say i'm one of the 1,189 miracles that todd talked about. judy as you come -- >> before judy comes, i want you to know people are calling. people -- praise the lord people are calling. some are sowing at $1,000 level. some, i don't know why, are sowing at the $1189 level. that's even better. some are sowing a seed of $5,000 tonight. hallelujah. >> praise the lord. >> and i'm glad you brought that up. i told you when i came here that there was going to be a moment i really felt that there are 12 watching right now. i feel so stirred about this. that you're going to sow a $5,000 seed and this is what god told me. he told they you're going to name it a breakthrough seed.
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a breakthrough seed. that's it's going to break a barrier that's been in your life. break a spirit of containment. it's -- there are 12 12 is the number of governmental authority. jesus had 12 disciples. 12 tribes of israel. and i felt -- i explained to you, i said somewhere tonight god will give 12 people the faith to sow a $5,000 seed and i call it a anointing seed. but it's going to break a barrier in your life. i can't explain it pl. all i know is there are four words that god gave me. increase, which was the divine multiplication wisdom favor, protection and open doors. there are 12 and if you're one of the 12 and obviously we've had some calling already, call now and plant the $5,000 seed. >> todd, also people are calling and asking if i don't have the thousand dollars now -- you mentioned three timeframes.
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24 hours, 72 hours and 90 days. people are asking can i be a part of this seed being sown into inspiration ministries and do it over the next 90 days? >> absolutely. >> you can. those of you who want to sow the seed. you may not have the full $1,000 to sow. you can sow part of it tonight, next month and the month after. but go to the phone tonight. you know, all of god's word and the entire universe operates on principles and laws of god. one of those principles is the law of the harvest, seed time and harvest. this is a message for you tonight that if you're looking for a harvest in your life god is looking down and saying show me a seed. >> doctor, i know you went to oru, also dr. oral roberts before he passed away explained to me so many details of seed time harvest. one of the things that was real pressing to him was the fact that he said we understand is
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seed. we don't understand how to harvest it. he gave me a mandate to tell the people that you can expect a harvest. it's not enough to sow a seed you have to have a harvest. seed, time harvest and i know through your magazines and e-blast and your daily teachings on seed faith, this ministry believes in the harvest. this ministry believes in the harvest. not just the seed the purpose of the seed is a harvest. that's the only purpose of a seed. i'm not in love with the seed. i'm in love with the harvest and i'm going to urge you if you never do it again and if it's in your heart to plant the seed whether your do $200 each month for the next five months or over 920 days or plant the entire thousand now or as you say as god provides do not let this time pass. i know we serve a supernatural god and if you have the heart to sew it and you don't want to miss in uncommon moment of faith, if you simply call and
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take that step of faith, things will happen. >> todd let's give people at home an opportunity to go to the phones. sometimes when we're on the air like this and it's live television, people are happening on every word you're speaking. let's give you an opportunity at home to go to the phones as judy jacobs comes to minister in song as judy is singing, you go to the phone and take that step of faith. take that step of obedience and sow that seed tonight. judy? god bless you! >> i believe right now god is waiting for you. a miracle. a miracle is coming to your house. come on choir, put your hands together. get on your feet, everybody. ♪
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[♪...] >> announcer: the following program is brought to you by nopalea, the anti-inflammatory wellness drink by trivita. stay tuned to learn how you can receive a 32-ounce bottle of nopalea free. >> a few months ago, i had a hard time walking this hill. but today, i'm doing it pain-free. do i have a secret? you bet. and that's why i'm here today to share that secret with you. >> announcer: could a natural wellness drink really help people with painful symptoms like chronic neck and back pain, swollen joints and muscle aches? or how about even sinus infections, skin disorders respiratory problems and more? on today's show, the new and natural anti-inflammatory wellness drink that's changing people's lives. then travel to los angeles california, for an intimate interview with legendary super model and entrepreneur cheryl tiegs as she reveals her own
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painful battle with chronic inflammation. >> the truth is, my hip got so bad, i stopped hiking. i would wake up in the morning and i wanted to do that exercise, but i thought, my hip is going to hurt at the end of the night and i wouldn't be able to sleep, so i stopped hiking. >> announcer: and how the natural anti-inf-immation drink made from the nopal cactus in the sonoran desert helped her get back to the life she loves. >> but now i can do everything i love. i can do yoga, i can hike, i can walk, i can do the stadium steps totally without pain. >> announcer: since her first cover at the age of 17, cheryl tiegs' fresh-faced look and iconic smile have made her the all-american beauty. she became the world's very first super model, then went on to create a multi-million dollar beauty and fashion empire. today this enduring beauty is in high demand as a spokesperson for underprivileged children and the environment. >> hi. i'm so glad you could join me because i have an exciting story
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for you. a few short months ago i suffered with inflammation just like so many of you. the worst was in my hip. things like stairs and getting out of the car were hard for me. hiking is a passion for me; i've hiked all over the world. i've spent time in africa, hiked the copper canyon, been to the arctic, even the inca trail. but my hip got so bad, i couldn't do a basic hike anymore. i tried a lot of things, but nothing seemed to work. then i heard about nopalea. i'd love to tell you that i tried it right then and there, but i'm skeptical, so it sat on my kitchen counter until i thought, i have to try it. in about a month, the pain had diminished dramatically. eventually, i was able to plan my next hiking trip. my only regret is that i waited so long to try it. if you've suffered with inflammation or chronic pain for years, there is something that can help. that's why i'm here-- to share nopalea and more remarkable
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success stories with you. >> the nopal cactus is grown in the sonoran desert, the most extreme desert environment on the planet. the fruit has to develop an extraordinary reserve of bioflavonoids in order to survive. when people and animals eat the fruit, they get these bioflavonoids. bioflavonoids have free radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory properties. in numerous scientific studies bioflavonoids demonstrate their benefits in protecting against free-radical-induced inflammation. we need nutrient protection every day to help our body wash away toxins. bioflavonoids support our body. these nutrients help our cells maintain vibrant health unless the cell is too toxic to be saved. then bioflavonoids support macrophages to scavenge that toxic cell and can help take it away. this leaves our cells healthy.
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>> announcer: finally, a product that can help your body reduce painful symptoms caused by inflammation, and it comes in the form of a great-tasting wellness drink. nopalea-- made directly from the natural rich fruit of the sonoran desert's nopal cactus. this amazing cactus survives the extreme hot and dry conditions of the sonoran desert and its vital nutrients can help you too. >> inflammation has been a concern of mine for years, so i did a huge amount of research, which is how i found michael ellison. michael is the founder and c.e.o. of trivita, one of the country's best-known health and wellness companies and it was his love of the sonoran desert and its people that led to the creation of nopalea. >> susan and i have lived here in the sonoran desert for nearly 30 years. we've enjoyed the desert lifestyle and the amenities it offers but we have never thought of it as an oasis of wellness. then i made a trip into the sonoran desert in mexico, where
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i made an amazing discovery. sitting around a campfire one evening with seven natives they began to share with me about the people who have lived in the desert for hundreds of years. they had no modern conveniences like air conditioning, refrigeration or running water. and they lived without modern medicine and drugs, yet they not only survived, they thrived, without obesity and diabetes and other inflammatory diseases that so many people suffer from today. they told me the secret to their wellness was the healing plants of the sonoran desert. >> for centuries, the native american people have been using the plants of the sonoran desert for food, medicine, spiritual needs. prickly pear cactus, or the nopal, is a good example of that. the flowers are edible the fruit is a great source of protein and vitamin c-- helps to reduce inflammation in the body, and it tastes good. the aridity of this area--
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a harsh desert environment-- is actually what made the plants adapt and gives them a lot of their wonderful healing properties here in the sonoran desert. >> when we discovered the healing properties and the science behind the nopal cactus, i knew we had to make it trivita's top priority and bring this product to market. we had to get this super fruit used by the desert natives for hundreds of years, to the many people who are suffering today from symptoms caused by inflammation. >> i couldn't walk without excruciating pain. being physically fit has always been very important to me, but i had to give up my treadmill workouts. i even had to switch to comfort shoes. i started on nopalea during the product's trial period without much hope, but after just six weeks on nopalea i was almost pain-free, and after eight weeks the redness and swelling was completely gone. today i am back in the gym on my
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treadmill pain-free and power shopping wearing stylish shoes and loving it. i know that pain can rob you of quality of life. if you have inflammatory pain issues, i would encourage you to give nopalea a chance. >> it's incredible that something as yummy and natural as nopalea got me on my feet again. now my energy is back, i sleep more soundly and so, really, i just feel better. you only have one life. make it count. with all the goodness and all the desert nutrients that go into nopalea, why don't you try it for yourself? the best way? take nopalea's wellness challenge. i did and you can too. >> announcer: call now and ask how you can try nopalea absolutely free. nopalea is a natural anti-inflammatory drink that helps the body put out the fire on inflammation. every day, millions of people suffer from painful and uncomfortable conditions caused
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by elevated inflammation levels, conditions including pain in the back, neck, hands, legs and feet. pain that is caused by fatigue sinus flare-ups, skin conditions, nerve damage and more. now there is an all-natural product that can help the body reduce chronic inflammation with no negative side effects. nopalea is made directly from the natural rich fruit of the sonoran desert's nopal cactus. this amazing cactus survives the extreme hot and dry conditions of the sonoran desert and it can help you too. call now and ask how you can try nopalea absolutely free. >> at the end of the first bottle i noticed that the pain has subsided and i could lift my arm about this high... and at the end of the 30 days loading phase i could just lift my arm upright. >> [emotionally] i can get through the day now, and, um... while i'm healing, i'm...
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nopalea is helping me to lead or have a better quality of life. >> i cracked open the fourth bottle, literally three days into that fourth bottle and i actually woke up out of bed a different person. nopalea is a product i can't live without. it's something that has become a daily lifestyle for me. >> announcer: scientists and medical experts now say these pain-related symptoms can all be linked to one common factor: chronic inflammation. in fact, a leading publication referred to chronic inflammation as "the secret killer," revealing inflammation is on the increase causing pain and discomfort. nopalea is a natural anti-inflammatory drink that helps the body put out the fire on inflammation. nopalea is delicious-tasting and naturally sweetened with pure agave syrup, with less than 20 calories per serving, and because nopalea is bottled in a state-of-the-art aseptic facility, it contains no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives--
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just fresh, pure nopal cactus juice in a ready-to-drink liquid concentrate. if needed, your doctor can find nopalea in the trusted physicians' desk reference listing anti-inflammatory benefits and full label information. if you're suffering from any type of pain or discomfort, or maybe you have another type of condition that you think might be caused by inflammation, we invite you to take the nopalea wellness challenge today. people everywhere are taking the nopalea wellness challenge and experiencing remarkable results, and now you can too. in fact, we're so confident that nopalea can help relieve your conditions, we want you to take the nopalea wellness challenge free. call now and ask to take the nopalea challenge and receive one 32-ounce bottle of nopalea absolutely free. plus we'll send you "the secret killer" special report that explains the dangers of inflammation and how you can get relief from its painful conditions. you'll also receive an audio cd
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that explains the science behind the nopal super fruit. to take the nopalea wellness challenge, all you need to do is drink three to six ounces of nopalea each day until you find relief... track your progress on a simple form... cover a small fee for shipping and handling. it's that simple. so call now and take the challenge. you've heard from people who have experienced incredible results from nopalea. don't suffer another day. take the nopalea wellness challenge right now by calling the number on your screen. >> nopalea can help people improve their quality of life by working with the body to reduce painful chronic inflammation. >> announcer: here's another amazing story of how nopalea helped a woman overcome daily, intense pain from a disabling car accident. >> within 2002, i had three vertebraes to collapse in my neck and i was down for a year and a half, and the things i really miss about that is being able to go to the barn and...
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[emotionally] saddle up and um really groom the horses and do things with caleb. then i found nopalea. a good friend of mine i've known for 17 years introduced me to the product. i was very skeptical at first because i've tried a lot of products. within three weeks, i could notice a difference. i was moving better. within five weeks, i was pain-free on the product. thanks to nopalea i have a better quality of life. i don't have inflammation in my body. i'm mountain biking, i'm exercising. i just have a better quality of life all around. i just feel so much better on nopalea. let's go ride horses. >> as a registered nurse, melody came to me and asked me my opinion about the nopalea. i did research, went to an event on it, was very impressed. since that time, i have been taking the nopalea; its anti-inflammatory agents are fabulous. >> well, i started having chronic pain and inflammation
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as a teenager. i have extreme spinal stiffness, spinal pain, pain that you know, goes into different areas of my joints and where my ribs and my tissue connects to my spine. i actually heard about nopalea through a trivita publication, and i knew that with my particular condition, suffering for 20 years, i knew that, you know, i was gonna need to try this for a little while. i cracked open the fourth bottle, literally three days into that fourth bottle and i actually woke up out of bed a different person. ...that was then and this is now. since taking the nopalea wellness challenge, i have a new lease on life. i feel terrific. there's a new me. i feel like i was maybe 20 years ago. i'm actually out, i'm active. i'm riding a bike. i'm playing with my family. i'm jogging. i'm even able to go to the pool. i'm able to hit the weight room and just feel good. nopalea has helped me
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to manage my inflammation in a way i never thought possible. do what i did: take the nopalea wellness challenge. six ounces a day that is exactly what i did. three in the morning, three in the evening and it all started to come together. >> i actually got bit by a deer tick on this hike. a few weeks later, i started realizing that i was feeling very fluish and didn't have the energy. i mean, it was even getting to a point where i was having a very difficult time to even get out of bed in the morning. having nopalea come into my life was... and the timing was a miracle. [chokes up] it's... it's given me my life back. i can get through the day now and, um... while i'm healing... nopalea's helping me to have a better quality of life.
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>> announcer: nopalea is made directly from the natural rich super fruit of the sonoran desert's nopal cactus. this cactus survives one of the world's harshest desert regions and its key nutrients can help you too. >> nopalea came through for me. it makes me feel better through the days and sleep better at night and it's clearing up my skin. it's the only thing that i could say that's ever really helped that's... and this much too, and it's changing my life and i have so much of a better outlook for the future. it's not like anything else out there that i've tried. it's actually working and it's healthy for me... it's good for me. i would highly recommend nopalea to anyone who has inflammation.on it's worked for me it's worked for others and it can work for you too. >> announcer: many scientists and medical experts today are discovering the need to help the body avoid and reduce chronic inflammation. dozens of recent scientific studies indicate that the fruit of the nopal cactus found in the sonoran desert can help the body
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reduce inflammation and gain relief from the painful conditions caused by it. >> when we have sick people, we always ask the same question: what makes sick people sick? and we look at inflammation as being the thing that ties together so many of these disorders, but a very insightful study asked a different question: what keeps healthy people well? and how can we be like them? what we discovered is the healthier a person was the lower their level of inflammation, and that when we consume the nopal cactus super fruit we can drive down that inflammation and achieve the bio markers of wellness. >> i've worked hard to stay healthy my whole life. i watch what i eat, i stay active and exercise, i do yoga and meditate, but that's no guarantee inflammation won't strike you. that's why when i discovered nopalea, it made such a difference for me. i feel that i want to share it with as many people as i can. well, my mom-- she's 87-- she loves it. i recommend it to friends.
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do yourself a favor, do someone you love a favor and give nopalea a try. >> announcer: call now and ask how you can try nopalea absolutely free. nopalea is a natural anti-inflammatory drink that helps the body put out the fire on inflammation. every day, millions of people suffer from painful and uncomfortable conditions caused by elevated inflammation levels, conditions including pain in the back, neck, hands, legs and feet. pain that is caused by fatigue sinus flare-ups, skin conditions, nerve damage and more. now there is an all-natural product that can help the body reduce chronic inflammation with no negative side effects. nopalea is made directly from the natural rich fruit of the sonoran desert's nopal cactus. this amazing cactus survives the extreme hot and dry conditions of the sonoran desert and it can help you too. call now and ask how you can try nopalea absolutely free. >> at the end of the first
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bottle i noticed that the pain has subsided and i could lift my arm about this high... and at the end of the 30 days loading phase i could just lift my arm upright. >> [emotionally] i can get through the day now, and, um... while i'm healing, i'm... nopalea is helping me to lead or have a better quality of life. >> i cracked open the fourth bottle, literally three days into that fourth bottle and i actually woke up out of bed a different person. nopalea is a product i can't live without. it's something that has become a daily lifestyle for me. >> announcer: scientists and medical experts now say these pain-related symptoms can all be linked to one common factor: chronic inflammation. in fact, a leading publication referred to chronic inflammation as "the secret killer," revealing inflammation is on the increase causing pain and discomfort. nopalea is a natural
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anti-inflammatory drink that helps the body put out the fire on inflammation. nopalea is delicious-tasting and naturally sweetened with pure agave syrup, with less than 20 calories per serving, and because nopalea is bottled in a state-of-the-art aseptic facility, it contains no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives-- just fresh, pure nopal cactus juice in a ready-to-drink liquid concentrate. if needed, your doctor can find nopalea in the trusted physicians' desk reference listing anti-inflammatory benefits and full label information. if you're suffering from any type of pain or discomfort, or maybe you have another type of condition that you think might be caused by inflammation, we invite you to take the nopalea wellness challenge today. people everywhere are taking the nopalea wellness challenge and experiencing remarkable results, and now you can too. in fact, we're so confident that nopalea can help relieve your conditions, we want you to take the nopalea wellness
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challenge free. call now and ask to take the nopalea challenge and receive one 32-ounce bottle of nopalea absolutely free. plus we'll send you "the secret killer" special report that explains the dangers of inflammation and how you can get relief from its painful conditions. you'll also receive an audio cd that explains the science behind the nopal super fruit. to take the nopalea wellness challenge, all you need to do is drink three to six ounces of nopalea each day until you find relief... track your progress on a simple form... cover a small fee for shipping and handling. it's that simple. so call now and take the challenge. you've heard from people who have experienced incredible results from nopalea. don't suffer another day. take the nopalea wellness challenge right now by calling the number on your screen. >> have you called in to take nopalea's wellness challenge? well, if not, consider this: many doctors and scientists agree there's a link between
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inflammation and serious diseases, but the nutrients in nopalea can help. here's how. >> inflammation is the number one problem we face in north america. interestingly, everything from allergies and alzheimer's disease to heart disease and diabetes are related to inflammation. we need nutrients every day to help wash away all the toxins that create inflammation. over 200 articles published and archived at the national institutes of health demonstrate one thing: the nopal cactus super fruit will reduce inflammation. >> i was a professional fashion photographer for over 25 years and i was always carrying a lot of cameras. i ended up having a lot of inflammation and chronic pain in my back. and the last five or 10 years, every morning i woke up, i could feel this pain in my back. i kind of stopped exercising i put on a lot of weight. i started drinking nopalea. i was drinking, i would say, six to eight ounces a day on a regular basis for maybe a month
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and a half, two months when all of a sudden, i realized that i was waking up without pain. i was able to exercise again i started losing weight, i got my life back. >> announcer: the real stories you are hearing all have one thing in common: relief from chronic inflammation in the body. today, medical experts and scientists are searching for solutions to help combat chronic inflammation of the body like never before. >> all inflammation is not bad. in fact, inflammation is part of healing, but when you go from acute inflammation and it doesn't go back down to non-inflamed but goes to chronic low-grade ongoing inflammation that gets worse and worse, eventually you will destroy tissues. you get diabetes, you get heart disease, you get strokes, you get dementia, you get gut disease, you can have confusion, you can have your whole life literally come apart because you've got ongoing chronic inflammation that we didn't address and treat. now remember, it's easier to treat it early than wait for it to get very severe.
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>> announcer: now there is a natural alternative that can help the body reduce chronic inflammation without the worries of negative side effects. nopalea-- made directly from the natural rich fruit of the sonoran desert's nopal cactus. this amazing cactus survives the extreme hot and dry conditions of the sonoran desert and its vital nutrients can help you too. >> five weeks ago, my wife pam introduced me to nopalea and it's amazing. the inflammation is gone the pain has ceased and i have flexibility in my ankle. pretty, pretty neat. i would recommend nopalea to anyone that has problems with inflammation or pain. i can tell you, i'm just a true believer. >> i watched my wife's wellness experience with nopalea and i was amazed. so i said, you know, one of the most important things as a cyclist is your recovery and so i took this product to see if it can help me recover faster
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and it did. i recovered faster, i was able to come back to my workouts quicker, stronger, with more intensity and now i've been able to take this product and share it with my cycling team. >> we all have things in our lives we're passionate about. we want to be healthy and have energy. for me, having adventures and conquering new trails and being with family and friends are so important. nopalea has helped me sustain the active life i've always had. you don't know how great you'll feel until you take the nopalea wellness challenge. it's risk-free. see for yourself the difference it can make in your health, your energy and the quality of your life. but you won't know how much better you can feel until you take the first step. here's your chance. >> announcer: call now and ask how you can try nopalea absolutely free. nopalea is a natural anti-inflammatory drink that helps the body put out the fire on inflammation. every day, millions of people suffer from painful and uncomfortable conditions caused
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by elevated inflammation levels, conditions including pain in the back, neck, hands, legs and feet. pain that is caused by fatigue sinus flare-ups, skin conditions, nerve damage and more. now there is an all-natural product that can help the body reduce chronic inflammation with no negative side effects. nopalea is made directly from the natural rich fruit of the sonoran desert's nopal cactus. this amazing cactus survives the extreme hot and dry conditions of the sonoran desert and it can help you too. call now and ask how you can try nopalea absolutely free. >> at the end of the first bottle i noticed that the pain has subsided and i could lift my arm about this high... and at the end of the 30 days loading phase i could just lift my arm upright. >> [emotionally] i can get through the day now, and, um... while i'm healing, i'm...
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nopalea is helping me to lead or have a better quality of life. >> i cracked open the fourth bottle, literally three days into that fourth bottle and i actually woke up out of bed a different person. nopalea is a product i can't live without. it's something that has become a daily lifestyle for me. >> announcer: scientists and medical experts now say these pain-related symptoms can all be linked to one common factor: chronic inflammation. in fact, a leading publication referred to chronic inflammation as "the secret killer," revealing inflammation is on the increase causing pain and discomfort. nopalea is a natural anti-inflammatory drink that helps the body put out the fire on inflammation. nopalea is delicious-tasting and naturally sweetened with pure agave syrup, with less than 20 calories per serving, and because nopalea is bottled in a state-of-the-art aseptic facility, it contains no artificial colors, flavors or preservatives-- just fresh, pure nopal cactus
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juice in a ready-to-drink liquid concentrate. if needed, your doctor can find nopalea in the trusted physicians' desk reference listing anti-inflammatory benefits and full label information. if you're suffering from any type of pain or discomfort, or maybe you have another type of condition that you think might be caused by inflammation, we invite you to take the nopalea wellness challenge today. people everywhere are taking the nopalea wellness challenge and experiencing remarkable results, and now you can too. in fact, we're so confident that nopalea can help relieve your conditions, we want you to take the nopalea wellness challenge free. call now and ask to take the nopalea challenge and receive one 32-ounce bottle of nopalea absolutely free. plus we'll send you "the secret killer" special report that explains the dangers of inflammation and how you can get relief from its painful conditions. you'll also receive an audio cd
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that explains the science behind the nopal super fruit. to take the nopalea wellness challenge, all you need to do is drink three to six ounces of nopalea each day until you find relief... track your progress on a simple form... cover a small fee for shipping and handling. it's that simple. so call now and take the challenge. you've heard from people who have experienced incredible results from nopalea. don't suffer another day. take the nopalea wellness challenge right now by calling the number on your screen. the preceding has been a paid presentation for nopalea the anti-inflammatory wellness drink from trivita. [♪...]
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the following is a paid advertisement brought to you by fluidity home. i've lost 60 pounds. i've lost 23 pounds. with fluidity. my waist got smaller and my stomach got stronger. i've lost 40 pounds. the last time that i had a body like this, i was probably 16. marie claire gives it five stars. the today show grades it an "a."
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chicago scene calls it "a must have." "absolutely fantastic," says fox and friends. discover the long, lean lines and irresistible curves of a firmer slimmer, sexier you with the only full-body workout that women across america are using to lose weight, firm up and reshape their bodies. i have lost 18 inches. i've lost almost 60 pounds. everything tightened up and i got smaller than i can ever remember. i'm actually smaller than i was before i got pregnant. i've lost 40 pounds. my husband started looking at me and winking again. [laughs]. my brother-in-law even commented. he said, "wow, you look like a dancer!" [laughs]. i have lost 40 pounds in the last six months with fluidity. at this point, i have lost about 28 pounds and i've lost inches. now you too can experience the only full-body workout that not only sheds pounds and inches but gives shape and flow to your whole body-- front and back-- with a fitness method that's taking the world by storm.
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fluidity, the only full-body workout that delivers the benefits of whole-body muscle integration with fat burning strength training. fluidity is a faster way to a slimmer, firmer you with just two 30-minute workouts a week. it's only 30 minutes and two times a week, and it's easy and it's enjoyable. two times a week-- i cannot beat that-- for a full-body workout. stay tuned and discover the workout that has not only graced the cover of fitness magazine but is the exercise sensation us weekly calls "one of hollywood's hot new workouts." it's time you discovered fluidity, the only full-body workout created by fitness expert michelle austin. i promise you'll see and feel results in just two 30-minute workouts a week. today, new york city's premiere health clubs that feature the fluidity workout are packed with enthusiastic followers who swear that fluidity's full-body workout delivers results like nothing else. now you too can experience the one-of-a-kind fluidity
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bar and the incredible full-body workout in the comfort and privacy of your own home. fit magazine says, "michelle austin is taking the fitness world by storm with her new fluidity exercise program." now let's join michelle austin as she welcomes a number of fluidity users who contacted her from around the country to share their remarkable fluidity stories. so thank you so much for joining me today. i very much appreciate you all coming, and i know you're gonna share your success stories with me, which is fantastic so tell me this: what inspired you? well, you inspired me. i wanted to get stronger from head to toe, and i feel like i've accomplished that. my back, my thighs, my shoulders, my arms-- everything's stronger. so what inspired you? there is nothing else like the fluidity bar. i can get a workout, and it's from head to toe-- abs, legs, butt... so i love to hear about whole-body results because that is what is so unique about fluidity. whole-body results are because of
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something called muscle integration. this is actually a dancer secret. they use their own body weight to force their muscles to coordinate and work together, so one muscle flows into the other, creating proportion. stop wasting time with other workouts when fluidity can help you slim down, firm up and reshape your body in the comfort convenience and privacy of your own home. i feel more feminine, and i don't feel like that when i work out with weights-- i feel like a guy, i'm in the gym with men. i lifted weights for many years, and i tend to bulk up really bad, but when i started fluidity, my inches fell off. i've lost about 18 inches all over. [women exclaim]. yeah, and i feel stronger in a more feminine and sexy way. i have never felt lik this in my life. i feel powerful and i feel sexy. now watch as michelle shares a signature fluidity movement that works the whole body. now we're gonna try something called "water ski." donna, you want to help me out? sure. o.k. if you could go on releve, sink back,
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bring your shoulders down, lift your pelvis, and little pulses. so this is muscle integration. the body is using all its muscles, so what's happening here is the weaker muscles are becoming more dominant and the strong, more dominant muscles are backing off. your body's forced into being proportionate. now, you have a sister here, and i think we should bring her up on the bar. yes, diana. hi, diana. hi! so you've never done fluidity. i have not. o.k., so i want to show you what's so amazing about this, so open up your... yeah, andthen do a small "v" position, sink down... yup, sink down, and lid le pulses, just little pulses, and breathe. so can you see how this is foolproof? i can. i can really feel this and the bar really supports me very well. so are you feeling it everywhere? i am. like a dancer, you'll become proportionate because the muscles are forced to work together. so do you know why strength training makes you bulky?
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because you isolate one muscle at a time. 630 muscles. whoo! not a good idea to isolate. [laughter]. my results with fluidity have been fabulous. when i first saw my sister after using the fluidity bar, um, her results are amazing, and i've looked so forward to having those same results. so now we're gonna do something called "fourth position." this movement... and you want to bring up your knee a little bit to the side, keep your hip down, and little pulses. so she's pulling back from the bar, she's extending back. so what's so different about fluidity than other workouts is that... you'll notice here that the front of the body is getting somewhat of a workout, but unlike any other workout, she is getting a full-body back workout. now, can you see that the muscles in her back are flowing into her seat, are flowing into her hamstring? this wouldn't happen if she wasn't standing upright and actually using the bar to extend back. i'm just working out with fluidity, and that's all i'm doing.
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i'm getting toned-- my arms are toned, my back is toned, which ihave never had before. i have muscle tone. i have back... i love my back. and i, i love my thighs. and i have a curve now. i never had this before. in a moment, our first-time fluidity users will challenge michelle with their most stubborn problem areas, but first: do you want the long lean, lines and irresistible curves of a sexy fluidity body? they're yours when you experience the three-dimensional movements of fluidity's full-body workout. nothing gave me a total-body workout like fluidity. i lost over 10 pounds in eight weeks. i lost four inches in my thighs. i went down two pant sizes. the best part about fluidity is that it works for everybody. marie claire gives it five stars. the today show grades it an "a." chicago scene calls it "a must have." "absolutely fantastic," says fox and friends. discover america's most effective way to lose weight, firm up and totally reshape your body. discover fluidity, the ultimate full-body workout
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that reshapes the front and back of your body as it burns more fat and calories to help create those long, lean lines and irresistible curves of a sexy fluidity body. while a traditional cardi0 workout will burn calories for up to two hours after exercising, fluidity's full-body workout will continue to burn calories for an amazing 48 hours. i've lost almost 60 pounds and i got smaller than i can ever remember. at this point, i have lost about 28 pounds. you simply stand strengthen and stretch using minimal movement to sculpt your body lean and burn more fat, more calories faster and easier. and best of all, fluidity is easy to use. just two 30-minute workouts a week. it's only 30 minutes and two times a week, and it's easy. two times a week-- i cannot beat that-- for a full-body workout. you'd have to work out with weight machines or free weights for nearly six hours to achieve the same full-body results you'll get from just 30 minutes of fluidity's full-body workout.
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clearly, fluidity delivers results faster and easier. and now, fluidity is available to everyone through this exclusive television-only trial offer. try fluidity in your own home for 30 days risk-free for just $14.95 with free shipping and handling. your exceptional quality fluidity bar will arrive fully assembled. just lift the bar, lock it into place and experience a studio-quality workout right in the comfort and privacy of your own home. when you're done, simply fold it down and roll it away for quick and easy storage. included in your risk-free trial offer is the fluidity beginner dvd. whether you're a fitness beginner or you think you've tried it all, we've customized every fluidity exercise to suit your specific fitness level and maximize your results. to help you accelerate your weight loss results we'll also include the fluidity guide to healthy eating. order now and you'll also get the fluidity ultimate package which includes the intermediate dvd to take
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your results to the next level and the advanced dvd, the ultimate full-body challenge. you'd normally pay $75 for this complete library of dvds, but as part of this special tv offer, we'll include all three workouts absolutely free. and that's not all. order now and we'll include a free gift for you: the fluidity fitness ball and pump to make fluidity even more fun plus these fluidity resistance bands to accelerate your upper body results. a $25 value, this gift is also yours free. that's right, a $100 total value free but you must call now. i have lost 18 inches. i have lost 40 pounds in the last six months. the fluidity bar, complete workout library, fluidity ball, pump, resistance bands and the fluidity guide to healthy eating are all yours to try for just $14.95. if you're not completely satisfied, return it for a full refund of your purchase price. keep the ball, bands and pump as our gift.
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order now and you'll also receive free shipping & handling. this is a workout i'll do the rest of my life. this exclusive tv offer is not available in stores, but it's yours to try absolutely risk-free for 30 days when you call now. make the call that can make the difference in your life. order fluidity now. i don't know why it works. i just know that it works, and it certainly has worked on me. all around the world people are discovering the only full-body workout that delivers the benefits of whole-body muscle integration with fat-burning strength training to give you the long, lean lines and irresistible curves of the tighter, firmer body you deserve. we asked exercise physiologist neal pire of columbia university to compare the fluidity movement to other exercise workouts. our bodies are designed to bear weight, to stand move and function on two feet. fluidity strengthens your core, your upper body and lower body, all at the same time. fluidity is a great way to reshape your entire body.
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with fluidity, you're up off the ground, you're standing, you're using your weight to counterbalance all these positions you're doing which means the results are that much faster. my results have been phenomenal. so many people have noticed my results. fluidity's full- body workout will train your body in all planes of movement for a total body transformation. arms tighten and tone, abs flatten, quadriceps become leaner and firmer, back of the body strength improves posture and reveals that sexy curve in your lower back. waist, hips and thighs slim down. your seat lifts to become tighter and rounder and improved muscle tone dramatically reduces the appearance of cellulite. your fluidity bar lets you experience this fitness sensation right in the privacy and convenience of your own home anytime you want. it's easy, it's fun, and you will see results. elle magazine says, "now that yoga and pilates are
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fitness mainstays, in-the-know exercise buffs are moving on to fluidity." now let's talk about the fluidity strengthening and stretch sequencing. i believe it was you mindi, who said you loved the nice, long stretches. oh, i do, i love the stretches. they really extend and lengthen my body. well, with fluidity, what we do is we strengthen and then we stretch. so if you go ahead and stretch after you actually work a muscle, then you go ahead and create greater flexibility, more range of motion, but you maximize your results which is wonderful. you also create a beautiful body that's strong and proportionate and one that you can use in everyday life with fluidity. my intent really was for joint preservation, and to really maintain muscle in... and have strength and endurance, and it has met all my expectations. i have developed definition in my abs, my hips and thighs have toned down dramatically.
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because fluidity develops lean muscle mass, you naturally increase your metabolism, and that's the key to burning more fat and calories... even when you're sleeping. but don't you burn more calories doing cardio? with either cardio or fluidity, you'll burn calories during your workout, but thanks to something called the afterburn, you'll keep burning calories for up to 48 hours after your fluidity workout, so fluidity ends up burning more total calories and fat than cardio. i was 197 pounds and i ran... yeah... several times a week the weight did not come off, and i was really sort of discouraged over it. uh, i saw your infomercial one night, and, um, bought the fluidity bar. the weight fell off. i, i was really surprised. i've lost... 40 pounds in six months. wow... [applause] that's impressive. cardio was not working for me. i have gone from a size 16 to a size 6, and i've lost
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almost 60 pounds. i had tried everything out there. i was working out with a personal trainer and just getting really bulky. i had been running and doing all kinds of things, but i felt like those exercises just targeted one area, and fluidity actually made everything proportioned, and it made everything a beautiful shape, and i had all of a sudden these curves that i had never seen before. don't rely on other workouts to solve your stubborn problem areas. only fluidity quickly and easily transforms your body into the firm graceful figure every woman wants. now stay tuned as michelle shares a few basic fluidity movements that directly target those problem areas. is there anything i can do about my love handles? love handles are a common problem. it is an area of the body that people don't work out correctly. in fluidity, we do something called "the pretzel." so you can just bring the leg up like this, place your hands here and here and lift up. that gets right here into the love handles...
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[snaps fingers] and zap, they're gone. is there anything i can do for my flabby arms? well, what i see a lot of gym users do is push-ups. now, push-ups are fantastic, but you are going to have to do a pull-up to balance out the arm. you can't just do the push-up. the push-up will make beautiful arms in the front, but the hard-to-get areas in the back, you need the pull-up for. so when you're underneath the fluidity bar, you lengthen your legs and you pull up, you get into that flabby area that you all want to reach, and you'll develop a beautiful, balanced, proportionate arm. everybody on my street is talking about how i look. we have a very tight-knit neighborhood, and they're all abuzz and they all want to know how i did it, and i tell them all, "it's fluidity." first time... liz lives in a different state, and so the first time i saw her and the results that she's attained using fluidity was in april of this year, and i wasn't prepared for how wonderful she looked. in fact... i'm gonna cry...
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i got on the phone with my husband and i said, "i'm the fat twin now," 'cause she looked so beautiful, and i thought, "i need to do this. this is something that i need to do for myself too," 'cause she looks incredible, and i want that for myself. fluidity doesn't just give you another exercise program. it gives you proven results, results you can see, feel and appreciate in just two 30-minute workouts a week. now, here's how you too can lose weight, firm up and reshape your body with fluidity. my waist got smaller and my stomach got stronger. the last time that i had a body like this i was probably 16. i've lost 25 pounds. i'm 53 years old and i've lost 23 pounds with fluidity. the best part about fluidity is that it works for everybody. marie claire gives it five stars. the today show grades it an "a." chicago scene calls it "a must have." "absolutely fantastic," says fox and friends. discover america's most effective way to lose weight, firm up and totally reshape
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your body. discover fluidity, the ultimate full-body workout that reshapes the front and back of your body as it burns more fat and calories to help create those long, lean lines and irresistible curves of a sexy fluidity body. while a traditional cardio workout will burn calories for up to two hours after exercising, fluidity's full-body workout will continue to burn calories for an amazing 48 hours. i've lost almost 60 pounds and i got smaller than i can ever remember. this point, i have lost about 28 pounds. you simply stand strengthen and stretch using minimal movement to sculpt your body lean and burn more fat, more calories faster and easier. and best of all, fluidity is easy to use. just two 30-minute workouts a week. it's only 30 minutes and two times a week, and it's easy. two times a week-- i cannot beat that-- for a full-body workout. you'd have towork out with weight machines or free weights for nearly six hours to achieve the same
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full-body results you'll get from just 30 minutes of fluidity's full-body workout. clearly, fluidity delivers results faster and easier. and now, fluidity is available to everyone through this exclusive television-only trial offer. try fluidity in your own home for 30 days risk-free for just $14.95 with free shipping and handling. your exceptional quality fluidity bar will arrive fully assembled. just lift the bar, lock it into place and experience a studio-quality workout right in the comfort and privacy of your own home. when you're done, simply fold it down and roll it away for quick and easy storage. included in your risk-free trial offer is the fluidity beginner dvd. whether you're a fitness beginner or you think you've tried it all, we've customized every fluidity exercise to suit your specific fitness level and maximize your results. to help you accelerate your weight loss results we'll also include the fluidity guide to healthy eating. order now and you'll also get the
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fluidity ultimate package which includes the intermediate dvd to take your results to the next level and the advanced dvd, the ultimate full-body challenge. you'd normally pay $75 for this complete library of dvds, but as part of this special tv offer, we'll include all three workouts absolutely free. and that's not all. order now and we'll include a free gift for you: the fluidity fitness ball and pump to make fluidity even more fun plus these fluidity resistance bands to accelerate your upper body results. a $25 value, this gift is also yours free. that's right, a $100 total value free but you must call now. i have lost 18 inches. i have lost 40 pounds in the last six months. the fluidity bar, complete workout library, fluidity ball, pump, resistance bands and the fluidity guide to healthy eating are all yours to try for just $14.95. if you're not completely satisfied, return it for a
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full refund of your purchase price. keep the ball, bands and pump as our gift. order now and you'll also receive free shipping and handling. this is a workout i'll do the rest of my life. this exclusive tv offer is not available in stores, but it's yours to try absolutely risk-free for 30 days when you call now. make the call that can make the difference in your life. order fluidity now. i don't know why it works. i just know that it works, and it certainly has worked on me. if you're among the 75 million americans who suffer from recurring back problems, then fluidity is for you. fluidity is a full-body workout that delivers the benefits of whole-body muscle integration with fat-burning strength training. experts everywhere are stressing that the key to effective exercise is whole-body movement. it's not about programs and equipment that focus on one body part at a time. it's working everything together like fluidity that stimulates your body to change. traditional workouts like weight training and pilates strengthen the front of your body, but
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nothing strengthens the front and back of the body like fluidity. with the patented fluidity bar and fluidity method, we show you how to work the entire length of the back of your body, more strength and flexibility, a more defined waist and a firm lifted seat. fluidity worked my body in so many different ways that i could never have done before. my back started getting stronger, i started noticing my body getting smaller and smaller, i started having to buy new clothes more often, my husband started looking at me and winking again... [laughs]. i'm getting toned-- my arms are toned, my back is toned, which i have never had before. when i honeymooned at the beach, i was able to wear a bikini and felt good in it and felt sexy and had confidence that i had never had before. with the fluidity workout, i, i have just become so much more self-confident. i feel so much better in my own skin. it's not just women who love fluidity's results. listen to what the men in their lives think about the sexy new bodies their women achieved through the
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fluidity full-body workout. well, my wife's always been sexy to me since the day i met her, but now i really think she has more confidence, more power and strength. i love it. it's great. well, she's toned, she's fit... but of course the best benefit for me is her... ballet butt. [laughter]. well, she's fit, she's toned, she's sexy, and she's tried a whole lot of other workouts and nothing has worked like fluidity. i mean... and she looks phenomenal. here's fluidity's secret to a tighter, firmer seat. using the fluidity bar engages 100% of your gluteal muscles while other exercises engage only 25% of your muscles. clearly, fluidity is 75% more effective than other traditional exercises done lying down. discover the difference for yourself and try the fitness sensation the today show grades an "a." the patented fluidity bar brings together the ultimate full-body workout in a sleek, smart,
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well-engineered, portable fold-down unit. fluidity's workout video will show you how to use the fluidity bar and the resistance of your own body weight to transform your shape in just two 30-minute workouts a week, developed for the beginner, intermediate and advanced. with no complicated movements, jarring floor routines or heavy contraptions, you'll get the sculpted arms, flat abs, tight, firm seat and long, lean thighs that you've always wanted, all in the comfort convenience and privacy of your own home. i definitely tell everybody about it and how easy it is and that you can work out right in your home. fluidity is a great product. it's done wonders for my body. i'll tell you what, i have loved my fluidity. it's been a wonderful experience. because fluidity develops your lean muscle mass, you naturally increase your metabolism, and a higher metabolism means you burn more fat and calories. i've lost 40 pounds, and i've gone... [laughs] and i've gone from a size 14 to a size 2.
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women: wow... the weight flew off. i've lost about 60 pounds, maybe a bit more, in eight months' time. i've lost about 18 inches all over. yeah, and i feel stronger in a more feminine and sexy way. there's never been a better time to experience the fluidity full-body workout for the slim firm, sexy body you've always wanted. i'm 50. anybody can do it. marie claire gives it five stars. the today show grades it an "a." chicago scene calls it "a must have." "absolutely fantastic," says fox and friends. discover america's most effective way to lose weight, firm up and totally reshape your body. discover fluidity, the ultimate full-body workout that reshapes the front and back of your body as it burns more fat and calories to help create those long, lean lines and irresistible curves of a sexy fluidity body. while a traditional cardio workout will burn calories for up to two hours after exercising, fluidity's
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full-body workout will continue to burn calories for an amazing 48 hours. i've lost almost 60 pounds and i got smaller than i can ever remember. at this point, i have lost about 28 pounds. you simply stand strengthen and stretch using minimal movement to sculpt your body lean and burn more fat, more calories faster and easier. and best of all, fluidity is easy to use. just two 30-minute workouts a week. it's only 30 minutes and two times a week, and it's easy. two times a week-- i cannot beat that-- for a full-body workout. you'd have to work out with weight machines or free weights for nearly six hours to achieve the same full-body results you'll get from just 30 minutes of fluidity's full-body workout. clearly, fluidity delivers results faster and easier. and now, fluidity is available to everyone through this exclusive television-only trial offer. try fluidity in your own home for 30 days risk-free for just $14.95 with free shipping and handling.
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your exceptional quality fluidity bar will arrive fully assembled. just lift the bar, lock it into place and experience a studio-quality workout right in the comfort and privacy of your own home. when you're done, simply fold it down and roll it away for quick and easy storage. included in your risk-free trial offer is the fluidity beginner dvd. whether you're a fitness beginner or you think you've tried it all, we've customized every fluidity exercise to suit your specific fitness level and maximize your results. to help you accelerate your weight loss results we'll also include the fluidity guide to healthy eating. order now and you'll also get the fluidity ultimate package which includes the intermediate dvd to take your results to the next level and the advanced dvd, the ultimate full-body challenge. you'd normally pay $75 for this complete library of dvds, but as part of this special tv offer, we'll include all three workouts absolutely free.
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and that's not all. order now and we'll include a free gift for you: the fluidity fitness ball and pump to make fluidity even more fun plus these fluidity resistance bands to accelerate your upper body results. a $25 value, this gift is also yours free. that's right, a $100 total value free but you must call now. i have lost 18 inches. i have lost 40 pounds in the last six months. the fluidity bar, complete workout library, fluidity ball, pump, resistance bands and the fluidity guide to healthy eating are all yours to try for just $14.95. if you're not completely satisfied, return it for a full refund of your purchase price. keep the ball, bands and pump as our gift. order now and you'll also receive free shipping and handling. this is a workout i'll do the rest of my life. this exclusive tv offer is not available in stores, but it's yours to try absolutely risk-free for 30 days when you call now. make the call that can make the difference in your life.
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order fluidity now. i don't know why it works. i just know that it works, and it certainly has worked on me. the preceding was a paid advertisement by fluidity home.


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